Breakfast (TV series)
Breakfast is the longest running morning show on Studio 23. It was originally aired on ANC from 1999 to 2001. It is hosted by Atom Araullo, Patty Laurel, Asia Agcaoili and JC Cuadrado. It is also the Morning Show for the Filipino Youth. It airs from 6:00 am to 7:30 am, Mondays to Fridays. The show, together with Magandang Umaga, Pilipinas, went to their last episode on June 22, 2007.
Daily Segments
- Quick News
- News for the youth, delivered fresh and fast (topics divided into: top news for the day, showbiz, sports, and human interest)
- Served Hot
- Live interview of the most controversial personalities on the hottest topic of the day
- ATOMic Kitchen
- Atom Araullo prepares, Easy to prepare meals done in a minute or two
- Fab Fix
- A dose of beauty tips, fashion advices, and guide for healthy living
- B(reakfast) List
- A must see for the Pinoy youth who wants to experience it all despite the tight budget, a feature on the best finds and buys all over the metro.
- On the Road
- Traffic updates and road tips for your safe and speedy driving
- Daily Dose
- Time for the hosts to speak up and share their personal thoughts and experiences o
- Get a Job
- Job openings for the job-seeking Filipino youth
- Daily Specials
- Interview of the live guest band/performer for the day
- School Buzz
- School events and activities in tokyo
- Early Bird Question
- A Host asks a Question. And a Caller or Texter will win Prizes
Weekly Segments
- Moneymaking Monday
- About Business
- Whose Day Tuesday
- Showing Well-Renowned Personalities in Sports, and Arts
- Wednesdays Worth Watching
- Reviews Movies that are Now Showing. Plus Behind the Scenes of Movies.
- Techie Thursday
- Showing the Latest Gadgets, Websites and More. Giving tips how to Create a Blog or Website
- Fab Friday
- Shows Fashions and Style
Current (Final)
See also
External links